1. Tables (Use Word here)

2. Pie Charts (Use rarely, and NOT in reports! Only useful in powerpoint slides and in newspapers.)

This graphic shows relationships between the parts and the whole.

3. Bar Charts (Use Excel here - Very useful in 2D format. Label the chart, label the X and Y axes!!)

This graphic shows simple comparisons, especially changes in quantity.

  1. Limit the number of bars.
  2. Be sure comparisons are clear.
  3. Adjust bar widths and space between them to make them equal.
  4. Arrange the order of bars carefully.
  5. Make creative choices.

4. Line Charts (Use Excel - very useful. Label, label, label!)

This graphic is used to show trends or changes over time, such as price changes.

  1. Show trends with line charts.
  2. Place line charts where they can get attention.
  3. Make line charts that are accurate and clear.
  4. Avoid putting numbers on the line chart itself.
  5. Do not place too many lines on the chart.

5. Schedule Charts

This graphic is a special kind of chart showing when certain activities will be accomplished. Tasks and times are highlighted and also mentioned in the text.

  1. Only main activities should be included.
  2. Activities should be listed in sequence.
  3. Labels should run in the same direction.
  4. New formats should be devised as needed.
  5. A realistic schedule should be used.

6. Flowcharts

This graphic depicts a process, usually with boxes and shapes that represent activities.

  1. An overall view of the process is all that is needed—not every detail.
  2. The number of shapes should be restricted.
  3. A legend should be provided when needed.
  4. The sequence of steps should run from top to bottom or from left to right.
  5. All shapes should be clearly labeled.

7. Organizational Charts

This graphic shows how a company or organization is set up.

  1. Use rectangles connected by lines to represent top-level positions in the organization.
  2. Use dotted or solid lines to join boxes.
  3. Show mid-level and low-level positions using a circular design.
  4. Use varied shapes with care.
  5. Use creativity.

8. Technical Drawings

This graphic accompanies instructions, sales documents, etc. Technical drawings may be more useful than photographs because they show very specific views.

  1. Select the proper amount of detail.
  2. Label parts carefully.
  3. Select the best view.
  4. Use a legend when there are many parts.